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ISIL and the Revolution Abducted Doctor

Damascus- up until now the destiny and whereabouts of the young Dr. Ahmad Saleem AlBiqaei, aka Ahmad the Free, are still unknown since the day he was abducted on November 4th, 2013 in one the liberated areas in Eastern Ghouta.

Ahmad was of the pioneering doctors to join the revolution, he put all of his efforts, energy and capabilities to serve it. He established the "Save a Soul" medical team which operates in several villages in the area.

The incident caused extensive fears of abduction becoming a phenomenon against civil activists in Ghouta as it has become in other liberated areas.

More than 50 male and female activists, mostly reporters, were kidnapped inside the liberated areas during the second half of this year (2013) . Aleppo and Raqqa comes first with equal number of abduction incidents and not only topping but with a sheer difference than all other liberated areas which may have experienced incidents of attacking civil activists but not to the extent of kidnapping and killing them.

Furthermore, more than 90% of those kidnapping cases were performed by the Islamic state in Iraq & Levant (ISIL),aka Daesh, that completes the mission started by Syrian regime of executing activists and forcing the rest of them to flee and live in exile. During the last month only, more than 10 activists left their areas crossing the borders to Turkey from Aleppo, Raqqa and Hama suburbs. Among those, were the members of the Raqqa Youth Committee, the renowned activist, Mosaab Al Hamadi and a collegue of us in the Violations Documentation Centre in Aleppo.

Those who fled are feeling excruciating bitterness because they had previously survived in the face of the tyrant regime for 3 years, but due to the limitations they were facing in the liberated areas to the extent of kidnapping and execution threats as well as inability of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) to protect them, all their options where eliminated and they were forced to leave.

Occasionally, there have been some media sensations and rush in the social networks websites on each abduction incident. Then the case is forgotten amid semi-complete inability of affecting or interfering for the sake of the abductees. Some of them were kidnapped with a great deal of obscurity even after more than 6 months of their abduction for instance, Samar Saleh, Mohammad Alomar and many others.

No one wants to witness similar incidents in the liberated areas of Ghouta and to lose its privilege which was accomplished by the efforts of the rebels and the people there. They have maintained the security and discipline as much as they could across the massive areas under their control. Till present time, no one knows the destiny of Dr. Ahmad AlBiqaei not even who is responsible for his abduction. The voices which was calling for his freedom and revealing his destiny have faded by the time. No matter who was responsible for Dr. Ahmad’s abduction, it was a clear message to all the fighting battalions and brigades in addition to the civil fares in Ghouta that they are delinquent in their job of defending their people and the abductees. However, the response to that message is still negative and confirming the contrary via intensifying the efforts to reveal the destiny of the abducted doctor and making his abductors accounted for their actions. We are awaiting an initiative from the FSA, police and security departments and civil organizations in Eastern Ghouta.

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